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Tips for Taking Good Care of Your Color-Treated Hair

Color-treated hair can often be a struggle to maintain. It definitely takes much more work than natural-colored hair. However, if you stick to it, you'll be rewarded with unique looks. Let's take a look at some tips that will help you keep your color-treated hair looking lively and staying vibrant.

1. Let New Hair Color Set for a Few Days

Surely, you don't want to wait several days to start rocking your new do, but the fact is that your new color could look different on your hair after a few days. After you get it done, you'll want to allow your hair to set for around three days before you start washing it. This allows the color to have time to fully set. If you wash it right away, you may risk washing the color out.

2. Use the Right Hair Products

If your hair color is fading, you're likely using the wrong products. When using color-treated hair products, you want to make sure that the products are directed towards color-treated hair. 

It is also vital that you use products made especially for your hair type. Try asking your stylist about the products they recommend specifically for the treatment they did on your hair. They will know what's best for your situation.

3. Do Not Over-Shampoo

Shampooing too often could remove the color from your hair. This is because shampoo is filled with chemicals that strip your hair of oils and other substances, making it color-treated hair's natural enemy. 

Try to minimize your use of shampoos, and use color-safe shampoo when needed. We recommend shampooing only two to three times a week. This will ensure the color in your hair lasts longer.

4. Believe in Color-Safe Dry Shampoo

On the days you don't shampoo, color-safe dry shampoo will be your best friend. It will soak up any excess oil, leaving you with your hair looking fresh without having to wash it. This is also convenient when you need to save time but also want to make sure your color isn't fading.

5. Avoid Washing with Hot Water

It may feel nice for your body, but washing your hair with hot water is not good for color-treated hair or just hair in general. It can dry your hair out and make your color fade out more quickly. Instead, stick to cold showers or lukewarm water.

6. Protect Your Color-Treated Hair from the Sun

If you want your hair color to last, avoid staying in the harsh sun too long. This is because UV rays react with the pigments in your hair and break them down, causing them to fade and look duller. Avoid harsh sunlight from 10 am to 3 pm. If you must go out, make sure to wear a hat or try using special UV protection on your hair.


As you can see, color-treated hair is not the same as natural hair. It definitely requires special attention. By following the above tips and getting advice from your hair colorist, you'll be able to keep your hair color for much longer.
Visit us at The Glam House for professional hair coloring services that will give you the hair you’ve always dreamed of! Our hair color experts in Denver are trained to provide you with the best service and keep your hair looking vibrant throughout the process.