7 Things Your Stylist isn't Telling You about Hair Extensions and Why

Hair extensions are a popular beauty treatment, but they're not without their challenges. If you're considering hair extensions, it's important to be as informed as possible before making a decision. To that end, here are seven things your stylist isn't telling you about hair extensions—and why.

1. They can be uncomfortable

While some people find hair extensions to be comfortable, others do not. The truth is, hair extensions can be quite uncomfortable, especially if they're not applied correctly. If you're considering hair extensions, be sure to ask your stylist about discomfort and what can be done to mitigate it.

2. They require extra care and maintenance

Hair extensions are not a low-maintenance beauty treatment. In fact, they require quite a bit of extra care and maintenance. Be sure you're prepared to commit to the additional time and effort required to keep your best hair extensions look.

3. They can damage your natural hair

Hair extensions can damage your natural hair if they're not applied or maintained properly. Be sure to ask your stylist about how to avoid damaging your natural hair with hair extensions.

4. They can be expensive

Hair extensions are not a cheap beauty treatment. In fact, they can be quite expensive. Be sure you're prepared to budget for the cost of hair extensions before committing to them.

how long do hair extensions last

5. They can fall out

If hair extensions are not applied or maintained properly, they can fall out—and taking them out can be just as difficult as putting them in. Be sure you understand all of the risks involved with hair extensions before making a decision.

6. You may need more than one appointment

Depending on the type of hair extension you choose, you may need more than one appointment with your stylist in order to get the results you want. Be sure to ask about the number of appointments required before making a commitment. 

7. There's no guarantee they'll look good

Just because someone else looks great with hair extensions doesn't mean that you will too. In fact, there's no guarantee that they'll look good on anyone.

Different people have different textures, thicknesses, and colors of natural hair — so what works for someone else may not work for you.  Ask your stylist for an objective opinion on whether or not hair extensions are right for you before making a decision.

Wrap Up!

Before making the decision to get hair extension, it's important to be informed about the pros and cons. Denver hair extensions can be a great way to change up your look, but they're not without their challenges. Be sure to ask your stylist about all of the potential risks and challenges involved before making a commitment.


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