What Haircut Should You Get Based on Your Face Shape

Sometimes, you just want a change of appearance. And the best way to do so is through a haircut. But then comes the question of what type of haircut you want to get.

Well, if you're not really sure which hairstyle fits you, your face shape can actually help you out. Some haircuts work better on certain face shapes. And we've made a simple guide to help you get the haircut that best fits your face.

Round Face

You don't really want to go for an extremely short haircut if you have a round face. The best haircut for you is a hairstyle above your ears or collarbone level. This is because extreme short haircuts only emphasize the roundness of your face and make it look even rounder.

With that being said, you also don't want to go for super long hairstyles either because they just make your face look even fatter. So a hairstyle that is shoulder length or above is a good haircut for a round face.

Oval Face

Oval faces are your best friends when it comes to hairstyles. You can pretty much try out any haircut, and it will look good on your face. But you have to make sure that you don't go too short. Extreme short haircuts will make your face appear rounder than it already is.

Also, try to avoid covering up your forehead with your bangs - that only ends up making your face appear longer. And as for the sideburns and hairline, you can pretty much do whatever you want. But if you want to keep a good proportion, make sure that the sideburns are not longer than your chin.

Square Face

A square face is the opposite of a round face. It's a face shape that has a strong jawline, high cheekbones, and a broad forehead. And the best haircut for a square face is to keep the hair below the chin.

Once again, try not to go too short because that will emphasize the squareness of your face. And if you want to keep your face looking proportional, make sure that the sideburns are slightly shorter than the length of your jaw.

Heart Face

This is another face shape that you really don't want to go short on. A short haircut will only make your face look wider. So the best haircut for a heart-shaped face is to keep your hair around jaw level or slightly above.

Keep in mind that heart-shaped faces have a round chin and it looks best if you have a hairstyle that doesn't cover up the chin area. So make sure that your sideburns are not too long.

Final Thoughts

In the end, the haircut that you get is all up to you. Just remember to keep the face shape in mind before you get a haircut. Even if you don't always get the haircut that is the best fit for your face, you will be surprised at how different you look with a short or long hairstyle.

Get the haircut that best fits your style with the help of The Glam House. We are a professional hair salon that offers the best haircuts in Capitol Hill. Here at The Glam House, we have talented and passionate stylists who want to make your hair goals a reality. Book an appointment now!


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