Things to Do After Hair Coloring

It's no secret that hair coloring can be a tricky business. After all, there's a lot riding on getting the perfect shade. But sometimes, even the most experienced colorist can make a mistake. And when that happens, it's usually due to one of three things: using the wrong shade, failing to properly mix the color, or not having enough product on hand.

Of course, there are also times when hair coloring goes wrong simply because someone was in a rush and didn't take the time to do it right. Whatever the reason, there's no need to panic if your hair color doesn't turn out quite how you wanted it to. With a little bit of know-how, it's relatively easy to fix most hair coloring mistakes.

I don't know about you, but I always feel a bit betrayed when my stylist washes my hair after coloring it. Like, didn't she just put all this dye in there? Won't that just get washed right out? Alas, the reason for this post-coloring shampoo is actually pretty logical when you think about it.

Keep reading to find out why your stylist always washes your hair after coloring it and to discover some tips to help keep your color looking fabulous for longer!

Why do salons wash your hair after coloring?

When you get your hair colored at a salon, the stylist always washes it out afterward. Have you ever wondered why? It seems like an extra step that isn't necessary. After all, they just put color in your hair, not on your scalp. However, there are actually a few reasons why salons wash your hair after coloring it.

First, it helps to remove any excess color that didn't take to your hair. Second, it allows the stylist to see how the color turned out and make any adjustments if necessary. Finally, it gives your hair a chance to absorb the new color and helps to set the color so it will last longer.

So next time you're in Denver hair salon, don't be surprised when they reach for the shampoo bottle after coloring your hair.

Tips to help keep your color looking fabulous

You've finally taken the plunge and colored your hair! Whether you've gone for a radical change or just a subtle shift in shade, you're probably feeling pretty good about your new look. But now what?

Just because you've left the salon doesn't mean your work is done. In order to keep your color looking fresh, there are a few things you need to do. Here's a quick guide to help you take care of your newly dyed locks.

1. Avoid washing your hair for 48 hours after coloring. This may sound gross, but it's actually really important. When you color your hair, the cuticle lifts and allows the color to penetrate the shaft. If you wash your hair too soon after coloring, you'll strip away some of the color before it has a chance to set. So for the first two days, dry shampoo will be your best friend.

2. Use cold water when washing your hair. Hot water can also strip away color, so it's best to avoid it if possible. If you absolutely can't stand cold showers (I don't blame you), at least rinse your hair with cold water before applying shampoo or conditioner.

3. Be gentle when towel-drying your hair. Avoid rubbing your hair vigorously with a towel; instead, gently squeeze out excess moisture.

4. Invest in color-safe shampoo and conditioner. Color-safe formulas are specifically designed to extend the life of color-treated hair. Look for products that are sulfate-free and contain ingredients like coconut oil or argan oil, which are beneficial for colored hair.

5. Get regular trims. This one might seem counterintuitive, but hear me out: Getting regular trims helps prevent split ends, which can make your hair look dull and lifeless. Plus, if you're trying to grow out your color, regular trims will help prevent those pesky roots from peeking through too soon.

Wrap up!

Taking care of color-treated hair doesn't have to be complicated; just follow these simple tips and you'll be on your way to healthy, vibrant locks that will last long beyond your initial salon visit!


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