Tips to Finding the Best Hair Color That Suits You

Your hair frames your face, and everyone has different features that make them stand out. With that in mind, it's best to not just follow the fads but really go for a hair color that flatters you specifically and lets your personality shine.

There are a few things you can do to ensure that you get a hair color that's perfect for you.

Decide Whether You Want Natural or Bold Looks

If you aren't planning on making a drastic change to your look, you can stick to natural hair color. Are you thinking of sticking to a color that's close to your natural hair or a different yet still organic-looking shade?

You might also want to consider going with a bolder, artificial color that really stands out. For this, you have to be ready for that drastic change. Darker hair will require bleaching to do this process, and it generally requires quite a bit more maintenance in terms of needing roots touched up and keeping the hair healthy.

Consider Your Skin Tone

Whether you're going bold or natural, you want a hair color that will complement your natural shade. If you have a lighter skin tone, it's best to stick with a lighter color. A light brown or blonde look will give you a much more even and natural appearance.

On the other hand, a darker skin tone can handle a darker look. You might feel more comfortable with a red or even black color. If you're somewhere in the middle, you have some more freedom with tones that bring out your skin color nicely.

Check Your Undertones

You can also look at your undertones before choosing a hair color. Are you warm or cool-toned? Warm-toned skin looks great with orange and gold bases topped off with browns, auburn, golden blonde, and warm red highlights. Cool-toned skin looks good with ash, cool blondes, platinum, and icy colors. Bold reds and blues also work well for cool tones.

The problem with going against what works with your undertones is that you could end up washing yourself out and looking flat.

Contrast Your Eyes

You also want to base your hair on your eye color. Do you want to bring them out? Providing a nice contrast or complementary shade can make your overall look complete and frame your face better.

Make Sure You Aren't Going for an Emotional Dye

It's easy to make a drastic change in your look after breaking up with your partner or are rebelling against someone. You might want to think twice before doing this. If you want a change, you can go for a nice cut or try a subtle color to change your style.

It's better not to make any big decisions when you're coming from a place of strong emotions. Wait for things to settle down and make sure that you are in a place where you are making your color choices simply on what you want for yourself. It just makes it easier to make choices you won't end up regretting.


You are now armed with everything you need to know to find the right hair color for you. You can always ask your stylist for more tips on what would look the best for you. From there, you can find something that you love and make you feel like your best self.

Get the best look to make you feel your best with the help and skills of hair color experts in Denver. Contact The Glam House and get the perfect shade for your hair goals!


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